Close followers of Cogburn Arsenal might have noticed the recent addition of the Mini-14 stripper clip spoon. We have a whole family of magazine loaders that we offer on a rolling release. This will extend a little outside the Mini-14 and Mini-30 family, but certainly cover the bases as well as we can.
lanyard loops for retention easy to find orange for people using Thermold clips
We don’t claim these are the most innovative products out there, but many in this product line will be the first time these items are created by anyone. Even if the idea isn’t very shocking, we hope to change people’s minds of what is possible as a standard product a company can offer. Our intent is to create a product family that includes many clips and magazine types all with a familiar look, feel, and function. We also think there are a few things we do to differentiate ourselves from mass production parts. All of our parts will have loops to attach a bit of para-cord. We also have the full range of colors. That can be a useful tool for high visibility, style points, or color coding(example: bandoleers with green spoons have M855 “green tip”, red spoons are with ballistic tips, etc).

Creative work is coming amongst the boring. That work never really stopped. Obviously, for competitive business reasons, we can’t tell what we’re working on too soon(those darn copy cats will swoop in and steal an idea). We also had a couple months delay due to web development and restructuring the business. In a manner of weeks we’ll likely be ready to share some pictures and videos of the next new thing. So keep an eye out for that, but only if you want to see the ergonomics of the Mini-14/30 rifles increase. We do like sharing pictures of our fun side projects on Instagram and Facebook if it’s something we don’t plan on selling. The Broomhandle Mauser is a perfect example and it certainly won’t be the last. We do this because we have lag times between getting prototypes made, it’s fun, and I think you guys like seeing them. So, until everyone starts screaming and shouting, I’ll keep doing that.
The Mauser Broom handle
Along with the new developed products, we are looking into bringing in a limited amount of military surplus items that have relevant use with our products. The USGI stripper clips and USGI bandoleers are a great example of that. We’ll choose carefully as we still stick to our philosophy of keeping low inventory costs and passing the savings onto you wherever we can.