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Grendel P10

We the launch of the Kel-Tec PR57, it seems appropriate to dive into the ins and outs of the forerunner to George Kellgren’s latest masterpiece. Because of our ongoing stripper clip love, the Grendel P10 has been an interest of ours for a while. These compact ten round .380’s fed from stripper clips are an amazing piece of nostalgia. The purpose of this quick article isn’t to repeat or retell the story of the P10, but we really want to share new pictures of the Grendel P10 with some of the accessories we were lucky enough to find.

The main thing to show is the two color of slides on the pistols, I have not be able to tell for sure, but I believe it’s a black oxide finish on the black slide and chrome plating on the silver finish. Of note is that the trigger and screws are bright finish as well. So if you have an original chrome slide gun, it should have that on the screws and trigger as well.

The total package. This pistol is equipped with the longer threaded barrel with compensator, the extended grip, the clip loader, and the maglite “Designator”. The Designator being what the manual calls this maglite adapter.

Activating the light is fairly simple (although painful) by squeezing your pinky on the Sheetmetal tab on the designator.

The designator may have been hot stuff in the early 1990’s and probably considered very bright, but in the world of modern flashlights, the 14 lumens leaves a little to be desired for practical usage. Which is not to say it isn’t a hoot.

Before many of you get into a situation like I did, You should know that if your P10 did not come with a threaded barrel installed, you will need to do some gunsmithing yourself to make the barrel fit. The work is not hard with a proper file, but it does take some time. I think it’s safe to say that it’s all worth it to get this fantastic gun operational.

In any case, these guns are cheap and can be a lot of fun. We love them and thank you for dropping in.

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Internal Production Capacity (Update)

As previously mentioned in our blog, we are working hard to develop internal capacity to produce our plastic parts and we have come a long way in the last month. We have resolved a few technical issues. A discerning eye will catch some other cosmetic defects in the pictures we would still like to resolve, but we like to share the progress. We should take this time to reiterate that we are trying to produce parts that are cheaper for the end user, shorten lead times, and produce better colors.

Grey, Blaze Orange, OD Green, Khaki

We have ultimately chosen colors for our initial release and have all of them on hand except black. As shown above, the colors are Grey, Blaze Orange, Olive Drab green, and Khaki. The Grey is a nice gun-metal color that actually matches U.S. military clips, clip guides, or any other U.S. Military parkerized steel. The orange is a UV reactive vibrant orange. It’s a bright color under any light, but UV rays from the sun are reflected into the visible light spectrum making it bright and easy to see if dropped it in tall grass. The olive drab green is a staple in the outdoors community and will match up with surplus bandoleers and ammo cans nicely. We were really excited to find this dark tan/khaki color. It’s not quite a true Flat Dark Earth match, but it’s close enough for all but the most fashion sensitive shooters. Black was delayed at the time of writing. It needs no commentary as it currently makes up over 50% of our sales by volume.
We will go live with these 5 colors available, but we are going to add more as we go. Send us a message if you have a different color request. We will likely have a minimum order quantity for new color requests, so keep that in mind if you’re looking for new colors.

Another perk with the redesign is that these parts will work with U.S. military surplus clips as well as Thermold and Canadian surplus plastic clips. This will provides much more flexibility without sacrificing usability. There is no more need to choose between the two anymore.

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Why Use Stripper Clips for Loading?

Many times when I see the idea of stripper clip loading proposed, usually someone quickly asks “but why?”

For a lot of people, the sight of stripper clip loading is self explanatory. If this is you, feel free to read no further. For other people, they look at stripper clips as an inferior and out dated loading method. In all honesty, they are correct. It’s slower and more finicky than changing a magazine. People take that correct view and go one step farther and think something that is inferior and out dated doesn’t have a place. That’s where I disagree.

Reason 1) Stripper clips prove their worth as a supplementary loading method. They don’t replace magazines, they supplement magazines. There is generally a finite number of magazines in any given situation. Proprietary Mini-14 and Mini-30 magazines cost significant amounts of money. On the other hand, stripper clips flood the market at a nearly disposable price. The average shooter can afford to buy stripper clips for most of the ammo they have on hand. Some ammo is even sold prepackaged on stripper clips giving the shooter a steady supply of loaded clips. When the loaded magazines run out, the shooter can reload magazines using pre-loaded stripper clips. The U.S. military still employs this method, although they issue a magzine filler (or colloquially a loading spoon) to load the magazines directly. These “spoons” are available for the Mini-14 and I encourage their use. Keep in mind no such product exists for the Mini-30(until now). I don’t see a good reason why someone should complain about stripper clip guides attached to a rifle but not the little spoons currently still issued to U.S military personnel for resupply. It’s the same thought process for both. 

STANAG magazine and USGI stripper clip spoon with USGI stripper clipMini-14 magazine loader

Reason 2) Shooting with outdated technology is more fun than you’d think. I point to the continued popularity of lever actions, revolvers, and black powder for proof. When you can envision what it was like for a Vietcong soldier using a Chinese made Type 56 SKS against the French in a jungle, it enriches the shooting community with some history. I think we can all embrace a little novelty into shooting. Not every item in your safe needs to be for the protection of your life. There are a lot of people not interested in shooting for fun, but that’s okay. If that’s you, no problem, but it’s also okay to let others have our fun. Keep in mind, it has never been recommended by us that you use a stripper clip to reload your rifle while being shot at, unless that’s your only means of reloading. 

SKS / Siminov 7.62x39 carbine

Reason 3) Gadgety things captivate me and make my soul hum.  I know others feel the same deep pull. I’m fascinated by adapting things together that normally have no business together. (See Other post) There is no foreseeable end for the tinkering with my rifles. I need to re-zero my rifle on every range visit because I’ve changed so much that I can’t trust the zero anymore. It’s a real problem, but it’s not one that will stop in the near future. Let us tinker. Sooner or later we’ll come up with something you really like. There are things in the works that we think more people will like, so keep that in mind.

Reason 4) Gun laws and legal restrictions determine new sets of requirements for others. I commonly hear “just move” like it’s a simple concept to leave family and friend networks. Our products weren’t specifically built for this purpose, but I absolutely understand the demand for more loading options in several restrictive U.S. states. Going back to the first point, ten round magazine restrictions or fixed magazine restrictions accentuate the cost benefits of stripper clip loading. In the long term, Garand style Enbloc clip loading should take the place of stripper clip loading. It’s a better overall system for fixed magazines.

If you still aren’t convinced, that’s ok. Take a look at our other products and see if there is anything else you’re interested in. Feel free to share what you think.

-Cole F.

P.S. I’d like to leave a big thanks to The Truth About Guns for featuring our blog post and products in their article!

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Choosing the Right Clip Guide

This is a guide to help you choose the correct parts for the rifle you own.

581- Vs 582+ Mini-14 and Mini-30 comparison

For the 582, 583, and 584 rifles with the drilled and taped receiver, the choice is an obvious one. Get the part that mounts with the factory supplied screws and don’t worry about it. The side mount parts will work, but if you need to access the ejector/bolt hold open, you will need to disassemble the clip guide first. Found here.

For rifles with serial numbers 581 and below with integral Ruger scope mounts; I have a clip guide that attaches to the side plate (bolt hold open/ejector cover) and it contours to the integral Ruger scope mounts. Found here

(It would be possible to use a 582+ part on these rifles but you would need to drill and tap the receiver with #5-40 holes in the correct locations. The hard steel of the receiver makes this a difficult process and should be left to people with the necessary skills to do this)

Mini-14 ranch rifle receiver DrawingMini-14 side mounted stripper clip guide

If you do not have the integral Ruger scope mounts, you can use our “Pre-Ranch” model of clip guide found here. Mini-30’s were never made in this variety. These models didn’t have the pesky ejector getting in the way, so you can load these perfectly vertical.

If you have a 180 series rifle, I have no practical way to add a clip guide. This shouldn’t really come as shock, but I have no plans for developing one. There isn’t a good way to do it and the relatively small number of rifles makes this not very feasible.

Were working on an argument in favor of the Thermold-type clips for people who have no experience with them.

If you are still confused, contact us and we will help you sort it out.