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M14 / M1 Garand with Micro Prism Scopes

Reject the timeline! Embrace anachronisms!

What is it?

We’re offering an optic mount for attaching the New Primary Arms Micro Prism scopes to M14, M1A, M1 Garands, and BM59’s. These optics are using a “mini ACOG” mount that is a little more rare but works perfectly in this case because the mounting footprint nests into the rear sight ears on these rifles. The 1x is a fantastic alternative to a red dot for those concerned about astigmatism or battery life. These have an etched reticle like a scope that is perfectly usable when off. The eye box and eye relief is very forgiving as well approaching the usability of a red dot. The 3x is stunning. It’s amazing to get so  much out of something no bigger than a fairly common red dot. The eye relief and eye box are not nearly as forgiving as the 1x, but great for a low power scope.

M1 Garand and M14 Primary arms slx 1x 3x micro prism

For more details on these MicroPrism scopes, check out the Primary Arms website and watch these YouTube videos for a third party take on these optics: Garand Thumb Military Arms Channel Brass Facts Tactical Rifleman

Why did we do this?

Ever since I saw this Forgotten weapons video (below), I’ve been intrigued by the concept for a low power scope on a Garand or M14. I’ve never been happy with some of the tall scope mounts for the M14, nor the side mounted scopes on the Garand. Forward mounted scopes were always an option and the mounts are solid, but the long eye relief scopes are really not my cup of tea. I had in mind some tinkerer’s plans of taking a relatively cheap G36 1.5x optic tube and fabricating a custom one-off mount for myself to use and trying to mimic the look of the original optic from the video. But when I got an M1A and the Primary Arms SLx MicroPrism scopes came out, I had an epiphany. The mounting footprint would nest nicely in the rear sight ears on the Garand of M14 essentially making the idea more viable and even as a product to offer. The final result lived up to my expectation, although I find myself enjoying the 3x far more.

Bubba No!

I can hear it now, the purists are groaning. Well, we sort of agree with you, but with caveats of course. The truth is, we don’t really advocate for putting these on good collector grade Garands, but even if you did, it is a reversible operation and should not harm collectability as long as you kept track of those rear sight parts. At worst a small amount of scuffing of Parkerizing might be found. For shooter grade, commercial made cast receivers, and tanker carbines, I see no reason to fuss. That is ultimately a matter of taste and best left to the customer to decide. The matter for M1A’s and M14 is entirely different. Given that M14’s were never really surplused, virtually none of the rifle’s carry any historical provenance of their own and again this is left to taste. 


If you’re looking for something to add some capability to your rifle without much weight or bulk, this is a really good option.

19 thoughts on “M14 / M1 Garand with Micro Prism Scopes

  1. I can’t believe it. I wasn’t the only one that saw the PA micro prisms and saw that FW video and wanted to make some modern magic happen, I’m so glad someone with the resources actually did it… I would like to build up the lowest-value Garand receiver I can find with a 270 barrel, leave off the front sight and put on a micro prism and this seems made perfect for just such a project

  2. A great idea, and I’ll be buying two of the, one for a custom Rodney Wells M-1 in .260 REM (he reworks the gas system for slow burning powders), and one for a JRA M1A. In addition, I would like to ask you folks to consider making stripper clips for 6.5/7.7mm Japanese Arisakas and especially 7.5 Swiss weapons.Schmidt-Rubin and K-31 rifles are cut for a Mauser type stripper clip, but the Swiss stayed with the paper-mache en bloc clip to protect the waxed bullets that were used until the 1950’s. Modern cartridges aren’t lubricated externally, the old surplus clips are about all sold or used up, and their present plastic copies leave much to be desired. A six round Mauser type clip for Swiss ammo would be a great seller. I’d jump for at least a dozen.

    1. Count me in I have acquired 3 K-31 and trying to find mags in good condition at a reasonable price is very difficult

  3. Is there a video of proper installation available anywhere? The half-page instruction sheet that was included with the mount is about as useful as the instructions you get with a Made-in-China bookcase from Wal-mart.

  4. Okay, I now retract my previous statement…it was mainly the shim that was causing me problems, I could not figure out how it was supposed to orient via the provided instructions. Once I figured it out and realized I didn’t need it, the rest was easy enough.

    1. One of the items that we admit is overdue is a proper install video. That included instruction is 90% about clearly communicating the torque values, but we’ll take a look at changing the wording to be more helpful for the shim.

  5. I assume there would be no issue mounting the newer 5x Micro Prisms PA have now? They look to be identical footprints. Also, PA offers this, a piggyback style mount for a micro red dot. That mount has a curve to it so I wonder if any testing or info has been done on if that would fit or with a riser, work?

    1. The 12-o-clock mount needs to be modified so it doesn’t collide with the clip guide on the M14/M1A (it fits fine on the Garand). The 5x prism fits great on the Garand but again the clip guide on the M14/M1A is in the way. The 5x requires the use of one of the risers that comes with it or you could cut down a 5.5mm KRAM spacer. I’ve added a compatibility chart to the webpage and I will be adding supporting pictures and notes.

  6. We’re hoping before October but we won’t make a certain announcement until we have parts in hand and inspected. Sign up for our notification list.

  7. They’re back in stock

  8. When will this amazing product be back in stock?

  9. Would love one of your mounts when back in stock.

  10. Love this product, understandable why it would be out of stock. Looking forward to getting one when they are back in stock. How do we sign up for notifications?

    1. It’s back in stock!

  11. When will these be back in stock?

    1. They are back in stock now. Thanks for the interest

  12. Will these with on all mini-14s? I have a 185 series.

    1. They don’t fit on any Mini-14’s at all. Only M14’s, M1A’s and M1 Garands.

  13. While it’s a very cool set up. I could not get my PA micro prism 3x to work with it at all. I ran of adjustment trying to bring the POI down to POA. For reference at 50yds it was hitting roughly 13″ above point of aim.

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