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Grendel P10

We the launch of the Kel-Tec PR57, it seems appropriate to dive into the ins and outs of the forerunner to George Kellgren’s latest masterpiece. Because of our ongoing stripper clip love, the Grendel P10 has been an interest of ours for a while. These compact ten round .380’s fed from stripper clips are an amazing piece of nostalgia. The purpose of this quick article isn’t to repeat or retell the story of the P10, but we really want to share new pictures of the Grendel P10 with some of the accessories we were lucky enough to find.

The main thing to show is the two color of slides on the pistols, I have not be able to tell for sure, but I believe it’s a black oxide finish on the black slide and chrome plating on the silver finish. Of note is that the trigger and screws are bright finish as well. So if you have an original chrome slide gun, it should have that on the screws and trigger as well.

The total package. This pistol is equipped with the longer threaded barrel with compensator, the extended grip, the clip loader, and the maglite “Designator”. The Designator being what the manual calls this maglite adapter.

Activating the light is fairly simple (although painful) by squeezing your pinky on the Sheetmetal tab on the designator.

The designator may have been hot stuff in the early 1990’s and probably considered very bright, but in the world of modern flashlights, the 14 lumens leaves a little to be desired for practical usage. Which is not to say it isn’t a hoot.

Before many of you get into a situation like I did, You should know that if your P10 did not come with a threaded barrel installed, you will need to do some gunsmithing yourself to make the barrel fit. The work is not hard with a proper file, but it does take some time. I think it’s safe to say that it’s all worth it to get this fantastic gun operational.

In any case, these guns are cheap and can be a lot of fun. We love them and thank you for dropping in.

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Install instructions

Mini-14/30 MicroPrism Mount with integral clip guide

Place one of the #5-40 screw in the middle hole from the top down

Leaving that screw in place, trap it in place and flip. Screw the #10-32 screws in from the bottom and torque to 25 in-lbs. Use a medium strength thread locker.

Apply medium strength threadlocker to the trapped #5-40 screw.

Carefully install the mount and optic to the receiver using the single screw. Do not tighten yet.

Install the next two #5-40 screws and tighten all three to 14 in-lbs

Cutaway view gives a picture of how the screws interact with the optic and receiver.

Mini-30 clip loading
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M14 / M1 Garand with Micro Prism Scopes

Reject the timeline! Embrace anachronisms!

What is it?

We’re offering an optic mount for attaching the New Primary Arms Micro Prism scopes to M14, M1A, M1 Garands, and BM59’s. These optics are using a “mini ACOG” mount that is a little more rare but works perfectly in this case because the mounting footprint nests into the rear sight ears on these rifles. The 1x is a fantastic alternative to a red dot for those concerned about astigmatism or battery life. These have an etched reticle like a scope that is perfectly usable when off. The eye box and eye relief is very forgiving as well approaching the usability of a red dot. The 3x is stunning. It’s amazing to get so  much out of something no bigger than a fairly common red dot. The eye relief and eye box are not nearly as forgiving as the 1x, but great for a low power scope.

M1 Garand and M14 Primary arms slx 1x 3x micro prism

For more details on these MicroPrism scopes, check out the Primary Arms website and watch these YouTube videos for a third party take on these optics: Garand Thumb Military Arms Channel Brass Facts Tactical Rifleman

Why did we do this?

Ever since I saw this Forgotten weapons video (below), I’ve been intrigued by the concept for a low power scope on a Garand or M14. I’ve never been happy with some of the tall scope mounts for the M14, nor the side mounted scopes on the Garand. Forward mounted scopes were always an option and the mounts are solid, but the long eye relief scopes are really not my cup of tea. I had in mind some tinkerer’s plans of taking a relatively cheap G36 1.5x optic tube and fabricating a custom one-off mount for myself to use and trying to mimic the look of the original optic from the video. But when I got an M1A and the Primary Arms SLx MicroPrism scopes came out, I had an epiphany. The mounting footprint would nest nicely in the rear sight ears on the Garand of M14 essentially making the idea more viable and even as a product to offer. The final result lived up to my expectation, although I find myself enjoying the 3x far more.

Bubba No!

I can hear it now, the purists are groaning. Well, we sort of agree with you, but with caveats of course. The truth is, we don’t really advocate for putting these on good collector grade Garands, but even if you did, it is a reversible operation and should not harm collectability as long as you kept track of those rear sight parts. At worst a small amount of scuffing of Parkerizing might be found. For shooter grade, commercial made cast receivers, and tanker carbines, I see no reason to fuss. That is ultimately a matter of taste and best left to the customer to decide. The matter for M1A’s and M14 is entirely different. Given that M14’s were never really surplused, virtually none of the rifle’s carry any historical provenance of their own and again this is left to taste. 


If you’re looking for something to add some capability to your rifle without much weight or bulk, this is a really good option.

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Trigger Finger Magazine Release

We are VERY happy to announce the release of our mag release.

Mini-14 or Mini-30 Trigger group and extended magazine release
Ambidextrous magazine release installed in the Mini-14 trigger group

This has been an off and on development for more than a year and there have been several times where we have had to bite our tongue in conversations with customers and the public when it comes to magazine change ergonomics. There were several obstacles to make this work, and we had to increase the testing regimen to make this a successful product. With ergonomics, the feel of the thing needs to be just right. We think we achieved that but we are open to making some variations over time to maximize the users experience.

There was also the major hurdle of installation. The assembly on our early prototypes were nearly impossible because the spring that needs to be tucked into the trigger housing. We created a simple process of using a common flat head screw driver, a nail(or punch if you have it), and an included slave pin for installation . The installation method of this part we think is the most ingenious part of the design and one of the main reasons you don’t see more ergonomic magazine releases for the Mini-14 and Mini Thirty on the market today. Watch the video below to see what we mean.

But why would I need this? My factory magazine release works just fine. The factory magazine release works great. We’re not saying ours is superior in function. We offer improved ergonomics. The idea that something needs to be broken before anyone should make improvements is something we 100% disagree with. Most innovative work doesn’t fix something broken, but is just incremental improvements to a previous item.

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, you can comment below.

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Gen II Magazine Loaders

We are constantly making updates to our parts. Because of this, we recently gave a much needed update to our Mini-14 clip spoons and Mini-30 magazine loaders. These parts now function with older magazines as well as the new magazines. Typically older magazines include a square welded tab at the back of the magazine.

Gen II parts will be manufactured with our own internal production capacity from ABS plastic. All our engineering and testing show that this is the right move forward for a stronger, cheaper, and shorter lead time part. Take a look at the images below.

  • Mini-30 mag loader tan
  • Mini-30 mag loader black
  • Mini-thirty mag loader orange
  • Mini-Thirty magazine loader grey
  • Mini-Thirty magazine loader OD green
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Internal Production Capacity (Update)

As previously mentioned in our blog, we are working hard to develop internal capacity to produce our plastic parts and we have come a long way in the last month. We have resolved a few technical issues. A discerning eye will catch some other cosmetic defects in the pictures we would still like to resolve, but we like to share the progress. We should take this time to reiterate that we are trying to produce parts that are cheaper for the end user, shorten lead times, and produce better colors.

Grey, Blaze Orange, OD Green, Khaki

We have ultimately chosen colors for our initial release and have all of them on hand except black. As shown above, the colors are Grey, Blaze Orange, Olive Drab green, and Khaki. The Grey is a nice gun-metal color that actually matches U.S. military clips, clip guides, or any other U.S. Military parkerized steel. The orange is a UV reactive vibrant orange. It’s a bright color under any light, but UV rays from the sun are reflected into the visible light spectrum making it bright and easy to see if dropped it in tall grass. The olive drab green is a staple in the outdoors community and will match up with surplus bandoleers and ammo cans nicely. We were really excited to find this dark tan/khaki color. It’s not quite a true Flat Dark Earth match, but it’s close enough for all but the most fashion sensitive shooters. Black was delayed at the time of writing. It needs no commentary as it currently makes up over 50% of our sales by volume.
We will go live with these 5 colors available, but we are going to add more as we go. Send us a message if you have a different color request. We will likely have a minimum order quantity for new color requests, so keep that in mind if you’re looking for new colors.

Another perk with the redesign is that these parts will work with U.S. military surplus clips as well as Thermold and Canadian surplus plastic clips. This will provides much more flexibility without sacrificing usability. There is no more need to choose between the two anymore.

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Internal Production Capacity

Typically we have used 3rd party production capacity to get the highest quality prints we can. We think we can make some of the plastic parts in-house that offer the same functionality and durability. We also think we can provide a lower cost to the customer than the current products we offer. There is the added benefit of using colors we think are more typically associated with the shooting sports (tan, OD green, blaze orange) and we can ship sooner than waiting for the third party production.  We are currently still investigating multiple different plastic types, and are attempting to balance ease of printing, durability, and color availability. It seems like a win for everyone involved.

Top two are from our supplier, bottom two are our prints. We are still fine tuning

On the topic of color; we would love to hear your input on what colors you are interested in for plastic parts. We would love for people to take part in our survey on just that(Click here for the survey). We’ll compare the information from the survey with the purchase history that we have(shown below). It’s clear to us that black, green, and orange are the top three color choices, but our data can’t tell us what shades of greens you like or if you would prefer tan to orange. We need help from the customers to determine a few of those things. We hope you take the time to give us input.

Above is the current distribution of colors for Clip Spoons and Magazine Couplers.

For the time being, we’ll be offering the normal parts as always. In the near future you might see new listings for clip spoons as a trial run while still selling the old parts for the people who want the same great parts. We hope that doesn’t cause too much confusion and will allow you to get the parts you want. As time progresses we will attempt to expand our internal production to encompass all of our plastic parts, but only if it meets our expectations of quality.

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One or the Other? Why not Both?

I read through a lot of the comments on The Truth About Guns article. I’ve read the forum posts other places discussing our products. There are still a lot of people with the mentality that stripper clips and magazines are one versus the other. I’m not sure how we can be any more clear, but we’ll say it again:

It’s perfectly possible to use both.

Really, you can use stripper clips AND magazines. You could certainly only use magazines, but you can’t only use stripper clips. To use stripper clips you need to have at least one magazine. It is impossible to use our stripper clip guides without a magazine. It’s never been a goal of ours to replace your magazines. Keep as many as you want. We don’t care if you have 30 magazines for your rifles. What we’re concerned about is when the magazines run empty. We want you to be able to have the tools and means to stuff more rounds into them as fast as possible. To that effect we’ve brought surplus bandoleers into our product line up. We want to you to be able to grab and go with your extra ammo and reload your magazines when you get a chance. We also want to point out that these bandoleers are surplus U.S military bandoleers. The U.S. Military currently employs the 4 pocket bandoleers to resupply troops. I’m not sure where the disconnect happens, but I just want to point out that the most advanced military on the planet uses bandoleers stuffed with stripper clips for resupply of ammo. The only slight difference is that we can load our clips directly into the magazine when it’s installed on the rifle making it impossible to loose. This was seen on real military rifles including the M14, VZ-58, and some FAL variants.Modern US Military 4 pocket bandoleer for 5.56x45mm ammo with Mini-30

Of course you can just use them for fun anytime you like. That was the origination of the idea in the first place. Lever actions are still fun, revolvers are still fun, and stripper clips are still fun as well.

Which reminds me: I need to procure a Russian contract 1895 Winchester and a M1917 Smith and Wesson.

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Red Oktober VZ-52

I don’t think anyone should be surprised if they have been around for a little bit, but the VZ-52 is one of my favorites. I don’t yet own one yet, but someday one will follow me home. The rifle hits all the check marks for me: semi-rare, handy, historically interesting, mechanically interesting, and attractive. Sure there are some flaws with the rifle, but I’m not idealizing it as something the military should go adopt tomorrow.

Czech VZ-52 cold war era semi auto rifle in 7.62x45mmMini-30 loaded with 5 round VZ-52 stripper clips

I even went so far as to modify my Mini-30 to be as functionally equivalent as possible. So, it’s probably no shock that I have been enamored by the InRange videos from the Red Oktober competition with Karl shooting his VZ-52. You can see the link to a playlist of the videos below. I will be updating them with the remaining videos as they are uploaded.

I will say that I’m a bit sad he’s not trying to use clips at all, but it does reinforce what we’re saying. Using stripper clips to reload is probably not something to do under a time limit (or getting shot at). The obvious caveat is when the loaded magazines run out, use what you need to.

Anyway, we hope you enjoy the videos as much as we did.

11/5/18 Update: The firing pin issues are an interesting discovery. I think their assessment of the design was quite right. The designers should not have cut so much meat out of the firing pin. I have the notion that modern materials and proper heat treatment would allow somebody to get away with that design. In the end, if you think that makes me want the rifle less, you are dead wrong!

11/6/18 Update: Ian’s attempts to load his VZ-58 with stripper clips demonstrates a little of why we don’t claim you should ditch all your magazines in favor of stripper clip loading. If you are under duress, change to a new loaded magazine. For the off chance you run out of magazines, practice loading with your clips.